Bone Marrow: Normal
- Plasma cell, polychromatic NRBC
- Plasma cell, lymphocyte
- Plasma cell
- Plasma Cell, polychromatic stage NRBC
- Plasma Cell
- Plasma Cell
- Plasma Cells
- Plasma Cells
- Plasma cell, mature lymphocyte
- Plasma cell, NRBC in mitosis
- Plasma cells, proerythroblast, NRBC
- Plasma cells, late NRBC, neutrophilic myelocyte
- Plasma Cells, proerythroblast, normal marrow
- Plasma cell, binucleated plasma cell, normal marrow
- Binucleated Plasma Cell, normal marrow
- Binucleated Plasma Cell, orthochromatic NRBC
- Binucleated Plasma cell, orthochromatic NRBC, normal marrow
- Binucleated plasma cell with a fragmenting cytoplasm
- Macrophage, Plasma Cell, normal marrow
- Plasma cell with multiple vacuoles, normal marrow
- Plasma Cell, osteoblast, normal marrow
- Osteoblast, plasma cells, normal marrow
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, neutrophilic myelocytes
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, eosinophilic metamyelocyte, mitosis
- Eosinophilic myelocytes, neutrophilic myelocytes, Marrow
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte
- Crushed eosinophilic myelocyte
- Basophil, Toluidine Blue stain
- Mast
- Mast Cell
- Mast Cells
- Mast Cell
- Mast cell, Normal marrow
- Mast cell, Normal marrow
- Mast cell
- Mast cell
- Mast cell, macrophages, Normal marrow
- Mast cell
- Mast cell
- Osteoblasts
- Osteoblasts, Normal marrow
- Osteoblasts
- Osteoblast
- Plasma cell, osteoblasts
- Osteoblasts
- Osteoclast
- Osteoclast
- Osteoclast
- Osteoclast
- Osteoclast
- Osteoclast
- Osteoclast
- Osteoclast
- Osteoclast
- Osteoclast
- Osteoclast, megakaryocyte
- Osteoclast, megakaryocyte
- Fat cell, Normal marrow
- Endothelial cells
- Endothelial cells
- Mature megakaryocytes
- Mature megakaryocytes
- Mature megakaryocyte
- Small megakaryocytes
- Mature megakaryocytes
- Megakaryoblast, normal marrow
- Megakaryoblast, prominent golgi area, normal marrow
- Megakaryoblast, normal marrow
- Large megakaryoblast, normal marrow
- Megakaryoblast, visible cytoplasm, normal marrow
- Megakaryoblast , fold in nucleus, normal marrow
- Normal binucleated megakaryocyte, normal marrow
- Megakaryocyte with 2 nuclei, normal marrow
- Megakaryocyte with 2 nuclei, normal marrow
- Megakaryocyte with 2 nuclei, prominent golgi area, marrow
- Megakaryocyte with 2 nuclei, normal marrow
- Binucleated megakaryocyte, normal marrow
- Binucleated megakaryocyte, myelocytes, late NRBC
- An almost binucleated megakaryocyte
- Binucleated megakaryocyte, normal marrow
- Megakaryocyte with nuclear lobulation, normal marrow
- Intermediate megakaryocyte with lobulated nuclei
- Promegakaryocyte with nuclear separation, normal marrow
- Promegakaryocyte, early nuclear lobulation, normal marrow
- Promegakaryocyte, early nuclear lobulation, normal marrow
- Promegakaryocyte, early nuclear lobulation, normal marrow
- Promegakaryocyte with nuclear separation, lobulation
- Promegakaryocyte with several nuclei, normal marrow
- Young megakaryocyte, normal marrow
- Young megakaryocyte, normal marrow
- Young megakaryocyte, neutrophilic myelocytes, normal marrow
- Young megakaryocyte, normal marrow
- Young megakaryocyte, normal marrow
- Intermediate megakaryocyte, normal marrow
- Intermediate megakaryocyte, basophil, smudge cells
- Intermediate megakaryocyte, normal marrow
- Intermediate stage megakaryocyte, normal marrow
- Intermediate stage megakaryocyte and part of another
- Intermediate megakaryocyte, cytoplasmic granulation
- Intermediate to mature stage megakayocyte, normal marrow
- Mature megakaryocyte with multiple nuclei, normal marrow
- Mature megakaryocyte, osteoclast, NRBC in mitosis
- Mature megakaryocyte, normal marrow
- Mature megakaryocyte with multiple overlapping nuclei
- Mature megakaryocytes, overlapping nuclei, normal marrow
- Mature megakaryocyte, clumps of platelets
- Mature megakaryocyte, binucleated megakaryocyte
- Macrophage, mature megakaryocyte, normal marrow
- Megakaryocytes, megakaryocyte cytoplasmic fragment
- Mature megakaryocyte, binucleated megakaryocyte
- Eosinophilic myelocyte, Normal marrow
- Osteoblast, Plasma cells, Normal marrow
- Bare megakaryocyte nuclei, Normal marrow
- Bare megakaryocyte nuclei, Normal marrow
- Late megakaryocyte, Normal marrow
- Bare megakaryocyte nuclei, Normal marrow
- Bare megakaryocyte nuclei, Normal marrow
- Bare megakaryocyte nuclei, Normal marrow
- Intermediate megakaryocyte, Emperipolis, Normal marrow
- Intermediate megakaryocyte, megakaryoblast, normal marrow
- Intermediate megakaryocyte, late NRBC, mature neutrophil
- Intermediate megakaryocytes, emperipolis, macrophage
- Mature megakaryocytes, emperipolis, normal marrow
- Mature megakaryocyte, emperipolis, normal marrow
- Mature megakaryocytes, normal marrow biopsy, H & E stain
- Mature megakaryocytes, normal marrow biopsy, H & E stain
- Small mature megakaryocyte, normal marrow
- Mature binucleated micromegakaryocyte, normal marrow
- Late megakaryocyte, PAS stain, normal marrow
- Mature megakaryocyte, acid phosphatase stain, normal marrow
- Megakaryocytes, neutrophilic cell, double esterase stain
- Platelets, GP IIb,IIIa stain
- Mature megakaryocyte, platelets, NRBC, GP IIb,IIIa stain
- Mature megakaryocytes, GP IIb,IIIa stain, normal marrow
- Mature megakaryocytes, GP IIb,IIIa stain, normal marrow
- Mature megakaryocytes, GP IIb,IIIa stain, normal marrow
- Megakaryoblast, GP IIb,IIIa stain, normal marrow
- Early monocytes, normal marrow
- Young monocyte, normal marrow
- Young monocyte, normal marrow
- Monocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Monocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Metamyelocyte, normal marrow
- Metamyelocyte, smudge cell, normal marrow
- Metamyelocyte, smudge cell, normal marrow
- Metamyelocyte, normal marrow
- Metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Late neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, segmented neutrophil, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, late NRBC
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Band neutrophil, metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, NRBC
- Neutrophilic metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte
- Intermediate neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, smudge cell, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, late NRBC, normal marrow
- Intermediate neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
- Intermediate neutrophilic myelocytes, normal marrow
- Neutrophilic myelocyte, almost no granules, normal marrow
- Segmented neutrophils, band neutrophils, myelocytes
- Myelocyte, smashed myelocyte, bare nucleus, smudge cells
- Myelocyte, segmented neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myelocyte, band neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myelocyte with many azure granules, normal marrow
- Myelocytes, band neutrophils, metamyelocyte
- Myelocyte, disrupted band neutrophil
- Myelocytes, promyelocyte, late NRBC, metamyelocyte
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophils
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophils, normal marrow
- Progranulocyte, segmented neutrophil, polychromatic NRBC
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophil, normal marrow
- Progranulocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, monocyte
- Progranulocyte, myelocyte, normal marrow
- Progranulocyte, band neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte
- Progranulocyte, dying lymphocyte, normal marrow
- One very early progranulocyte, normal marrow
- Early progranulocyte, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, neutrophilic metamyelocyte, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, late neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, basophil, normal marrow
- Myeloblasts, lymphocyte, late NRBC, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, band neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, polychromatic NRBCs, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, lymphocyte, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, band neutrophil, normal marrow
- Myeloblast, late NRBC, normal marrow
- Reticular cells, polychromatic NRBCs, normal marrow
- Reticular cell, normal marrow
- Reticular cell, monocyte, normal marrow
- Reticular cell, neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow
Bone Marrow: Biopsy
- Megakaryocytes, H & E stain, acute megakaryocytic leukemia
- Abnormal megakaryocytes, H & E stain, AML marrow biopsy
- Abnormal megakaryocytes, late NRBCs, AML marrow biopsy
- Abnormal megakaryocytes, late NRBCs, H & E stain, AML marrow
- Disrupted Megakaryocytes, Wright’s-Giemsa stain, AML marrow
- Disrupted Megakaryocytes, Wright’s-Giemsa stain, AML marrow
- Abnormal Megakaryocyte, Wright’s-Giemsa stain, AML marrow
- Abnormal megakaryocyte, Wright’s-Giemsa stain, AML marrow
- Abnormal and/or immature megakaryocytes, AML marrow biopsy
- Megakaryocytes, NRBC clump, H & E stain, AML marrow
- AML, Marrow biopsy
- AML, Marrow biopsy
- Abnormal Megakaryocytes, AML, Marrow biopsy
- Abnormal Megakaryocytes, Blasts, AML, marrow biopsy
- Abnormal Megakaryocytes, AML, Marrow biopsy
- Marked fibrosis, Reticulin stain, AML, Marrow biopsy
- Abnormal Megakaryocytes, AML, Marrow biopsy
- Reticulin stain, Abnormal Megakaryocytes, AML, marrow biopsy
- Reticulin fibers, Megakaryocytes, Blast, AML, Marrow biopsy
- Abnormal Megakaryocytes, AML, Marrow biopsy
- Abnormal Megakaryocytes, Giemsa stain, AML, Marrow biopsy
- Abnormal Megakaryocytes, Giemsa stain, AML, Marrow biopsy
- Abnormal Megakaryocytes, Giemsa stain, AML, Marrow biopsy
- Abnormal Megakaryocytes, Giemsa stain, AML, Marrow biopsy
- Osteoclast
- Osteoclasts
- Osteoclast
- Mature megakaryocytes, normal marrow biopsy, H & E stain
- Mature megakaryocytes, normal marrow biopsy, H & E stain
- Megakaryocytes, marrow biopsy, H & E stain
- Mature megakaryocytes, marrow biopsy, H & E stain
- Megakaryocytes, marrow biopsy, H & E stain
- Mature megakaryocyte, marrow biopsy, H & E stain
- Megakaryocytes, myeloid metaplasia with myelofibrosis marrow
- Abnormal megakaryocytes, myeloid metaplasia/myelofibrosis